Friday, October 26, 2012

Morning Meditation

Hi guys, 

Another african proverb to keep your guys minds bubbling, leave your comments and lets reason bless .



Peace and Blessed 


Greetings DIYers your DIY Activist here!!

Today we are going a little bit of our normal routine. As we are know today we are repping pink for breast cancer. So  by that being said I have some educating facts for your women out there and you men too. For all those mothers who breast feed there youths for more that 6 months I rise my black fist to you guys, womb-man power ( woman). And for those who just could stand the pain that comes with it I over stand, and to those who just didn't care to do it , because there is an alternative.(formula) am disappointed in you. Research has proven that breast feeding decreases your chance and you babies chance of breast cancer. And thanks to the  this web site Cancer Research UK for sharing what they have discovered, so here's an article that the posted. Please read and visit the site and educate your self and your loved ones. And don't forget to leave  your comments and lets reason, stay positive, keep reading, and keep following. 

Peace and Blessed

How is breastfeeding related to breast cancer?

Breastfeeding can protect you against developing breast cancer. We don't know exactly how breastfeeding is protective but we know that it definitely is.

A large Cancer Research UK study in 2002 compared breastfeeding history in women who had breast cancer with women who hadn't. It was a very large study, involving the histories of 50,000 women with breast cancer and nearly 100,000 women without.

The longer the women had breastfed during their lifetime, the less likely they were to get breast cancer. According to the researchers, this was a very striking finding. They made sure that the women's age, menopausal status, ethnic origin, number of births and their age at the birth of their first child were all taken into account. Breast feeding still lowered breast cancer risk by 4.3% for every year of feeding. There is also a 7% reduction in risk of breast cancer for each child born.
A 4% lowering of risk doesn't sound much. But, as breast cancer is quite a common disease in developed countries, breastfeeding every child for an extra 6 months would mean about 1,000 fewer cases of breast cancer in Britain each year.

This research is a major step in explaining the difference in breast cancer rates between the Western world and developing countries. In developing countries, women tend to have more children and to feed each of them for much longer. Interestingly, in Japan 90% of women who have children breastfeed. Japan is often talked about in relation to the incidence of breast cancer because, although it is obviously a developed country, breast cancer rates are much lower than they are in Western countries. Usually, people talk about diet as the explanation for this. But it may well be cultural differences in feeding babies that explains it.
These findings are important for helping us to prevent future cases of breast cancer. But the research may also help us in developing treatments. Any new knowledge about how breast cancer is triggered can help scientists to develop treatments to tackle it.

Researchers are now looking into whether breastfeeding can help to protect women who carry one of the breast cancer faulty genes – BRCA1 and BRCA2. One Swedish study, published in 2004, found that breastfeeding may reduce breast cancer risk for BRCA1 carriers who breast feed for more than a year in total. There was no difference for BRCA2 carriers. Since then, other studies have given conflicting results and so it isn't possible to draw definite conclusions about whether breastfeeding can change breast cancer risk in BRCA carriers. Research is continuing to try to find out whether breastfeeding reduces breast cancer risk in women with these gene changes.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Something to think About

 Hi Guys,

Something for the morning meditation , here's another african proverb for you to medz on. Let me know what you guys think about it, leave you thoughts in the comments and lets reason. Keep it lock and check out the link below for me african proverbs.

Peace and Blessed





Greetings D.I.Yers,

It's your D.I.Y Activist here !!!. Meditation for the mind this rise, I have a question for you guys.

 Why do you think black people , when there  are at work, especially work they always have to stick earphones in there eyes? 

If you know why link me and  leave your vibration in the comments section of the blog.  And lets reason and educate one another, keep following and subscribing to this blog and my other blogs. Keep DIYing, stay positive, be creative.

Peace and Blessed

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Inspirational Meditation for the day

Greetings !!!!!

My lovely DIYers, Just a little quote to get your medz flowing. Hope it helps you in some way and I will love to here from you guys, let me know what your thinking.


(African Proverb)

Guys let me know what your thought about the quote. It doesn't have to be about this post, just leave your comments in the comment box and lets reason. And to those of you who are not yet followers, what are you waiting for!!. And to my loyal followers thanks for the support , look forward for more. Stay positive, keep creating , keep DIYing and keep it locked.

Peace and Blessed
